Kira Bray
Generation Y – Line Producer
Dir’ Lucy Mulcahy/Documentary – In Pre-Production
Responsible for researching and creating a budget, to enable funding to be sought, covering all aspects from pre- production to post. Entailing everything from finding and gathering quotes from potential crew, filming permits, flights, accommodation and equipment. The project itself is still in development and all work has been done for funding purposes.
“Boogie's Documentary. The Big Emmen Road Trip” – Freelance Production Sound technician
Dan Moth Videos/Documentary – April 2014 - July 2014
Responsible for recording all location sound, including ambient, action through the spraying and building of the cars and all conducted interviews.
Sleeping Lessons - Production Sound technician
Dir' Sean Webb/Short Film–March 2013
Recorded all sound on set, using lavaliere microphones and SQN 4S mixer.
The 3 Litre Documentary – Freelance Production Sound technician
Dan Moth Videos/Documentary –September 2013
Responsible for recording all location sound, using the boom, lavaliere microphones and mixer.
Ringwood Spring Open 2013 - Freelance Sound technician
Dan Moth Videos/Documentary – March 2013
Recorded all location sound via the boom and an Olympus DM-5. Post production involved balancing the sound and mixing it with the on screen footage.
The 5 Grand Race – Freelance Sound technician
Dan Moth Videos/Documentary – January-March 2013
Recorded all interviews and sound on set through lavaliere microphones, an Olympus DM-5 and a SQN 4S mixer. Recorded voice over in the Foley studio. Post production involved balancing the sound and editing.
Luthier - Producer/Director/Editor
Guileless Pictures/Short Film - November 2012
Involved in all apsects of production from pre to post to create the aesthetic drama.
Addiction –Production Sound technician
Declan Burley/Documentary – November 2012
Recorded all interviews and sound on set through a boom, lavaliere microphones and a SQN 4S mixer.
Rise of the Underdog – Freelance Sound technician
Dan Moth Videos/Documentary – October 2012
Recorded all interviews and sound on set through a boom and lavaliere microphones and SQN 4S mixer. Post production involved balancing the sound and editing and enhancing pre-recorded audio.
The Bears Documentary – Freelance Production Sound Mixer
Dan Moth Videos/Documentary – September 2012
Recorded all interviews and sound on set through lavaliere microphones, an Olympus DM-5 and a SQN 4S mixer. Post production involved balancing the sound and editing and enhancing pre-recorded audio, for both the documentary and trailers
Olympic News Channel Features (x12) – Electronic News Gatherer Assistant
Olympic Broadcasting Services/For Rights Holding Broadcasters – July-August 2012
As part of a 3-person camera/reporting crew for Sailing events during the London 2012 Olympics, I was responsible for researching features, setting up shoot dates, assistant editor and sound recording on set.
Mix Zone for Sailing Events – Electronic News Gatherer Assistant
Olympic Broadcasting Services/For Rights Holding Broadcasters – July-August 2012
Assisted in all mix-zone interviews for the Sailing events in Weymouth & Portland. There I set up the camera in the pit prior to the start and logged all information via iPad connected to the International Broadcasting Centre in London.
Headlights – Camera Operator
Pandemonium Pictures LTD/Music Video Talenthouse entry – March 2012
Captured and set up all shots for the Music Video by Morning Parade.
32nd Annual Genie Awards - Runner
Ryerson, Toronto, Canada/Awards Ceremony – March 2012
Ushered guests to their seats and made sure that everone was allowed to be in certain areas. Passed messages between memebers of the production crew.
Carrot Mob – Camera Operator
Nurmi & Heidi/Documentary – February 2012
Shot an observational style documentary about Toronto’s first ‘Carrot Mob’ charity event. Shot and set up interviews with the founders and event goers.
SDX Kenya – Camera Operator
Camps International/Documentary Promo – August-September 2011
Captured footage for the Sports Development Expedition to Kenya, in order to make an internal documentary about the programme.
What is Beauty? – Runner
B’Bitar Productions/Documentary – April 2010
Assisted with the production of the documentary, making sure that all interviewees were taken care off prior to the interview. Helped set up staging of interviews and communicated between production staff.
Lulwa – Runner/Researcher
Darwish, Fardan & Kruger/Documentary – March-April 2010
Prior to filming aided in the research of the documentary and submitted possible interview candidates and filming locations. During production assisted with moving equipment and logging shots.
Flat Classroom Conference – Camera Operator & Co-Editor
QA FCP/Cooperate comission for Julie Lindsay head of FCP – November 2009
During the conference I set up the camera and filmed the events, making sure to get interviews with delegates and the founders of the conference. During post I co-edited the documentary on Final Cut 7.
Doha Tribeca Film Festival – Lead Volunteer
Doha Film Institute/Awards Ceremony – October 2009
Job entailed everything from getting the word out about the festival, looking after VIP’s on opening night, offering information about the films, ushering in the theatres, to getting information and messages passed around during the event at the different venues.
New York Film Academy Los Angeles – Director, Editor, Camera, Runner
NYFA/8 short films– August 2008
In a crew of 3 shot, edited and directed 8 short films, including one on camera edit, on the back lot of Universal Studios, Los Angeles.
Red Balloon – Co-Editor
Harvard Westlake-Qatar Academy Exchange/HW Film Festival – December 2008
Co-editor of the film created by students from America and Qatar using Final Cut 7, for the HW Film Festival.
Full Clean Driving License
Final Cut Pro
Pro Tools
Premiere Pro CS6
After Effects
Production Sound Equipment
Microsoft Office Applications
Libre Office Applications
PC Literate
MAC Literate
Oxford TEFL, Barcelona, Spain
Sept-Oct 2013
Teaching English as a Second Langague Trinity College Cert Course.
Oxford TEFL Business English Cert.
BA Television Production (HONS), Bournemouth University, UK
Specialised in Sound Production and Camera & Lighting.
Units: Camera Workshops, Critical Media Concepts & Contexts, Editing, Exchange Programme, Major Project, Media & Conflict, Media & Fictional Violence, Minor Project, Production 1 & 2, Television Studio, Television Studies, Thematic Lectures.
Radio & Television Arts, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada
Jan-May 2012
Specialised in Production Management.
Units: Design in Media, Media Marketing & Promotion, Media Entrepreurship & Production Management.
Olympic Broadcasating Services, UK
Oct 2011
Training workshop for Electronic News Gatherer & Filming live sporting events.
Qatar Acadey, Doha, Qatar
International Baccalaureate:
Higher Level: English, Geography, Film
Standard Level: Biology, Spanish, Math
New York Film Academy, Los Angeles, USA
August 2009
Directing for film, Camera & Lighting, Final Cut Pro & Scriptwriting.
Customer Advisor, Red Funnel Ferry Company, UK
Summer 2013 - Summer 2014
Helped to manage and operate the company and its clientele, during both peak festival times and everyday business hours.
Ensured excellent response to customer enquiries, safety and sales of ferry tickets and attractions.
Sports Coach, Camps International Limited, Kenya
Summer 2011
Organised and prepared for a two-day inter-school sports festival. Worked in a team to plan and deliver coaching sessions for volleyball, football and netball.
Collaborated with local teachers to share Physical Education ideas practice & lesson plans.
Crew Member, Endurance Village for Horse Racing events, Qatar
Worked in teams of two navigating, driving and monitoring speed & hydration of horse and rider through the desert on both day & night rides.
Volunteer, Reach Out to Asia Expedition to Nepal, Qatar & Nepal
Sept-Nov 2009
Contacted local education companies to sponser the trip and donate equipment.
Taught English and helped build schools in Nepal.
English Fluent
French Basic
Spanish Basic
Qualified Oxford TEFL (Teaching English Foreign Langauge)
2010 - present
2010 - present